Relationships Matter…Here are some tips to help you stay on track ~via @jasonacooper

Relationships Matter…Here are some tips to help you stay on track ~via @jasonacooper

Relationships Matter…

One of the things that I keep reminding myself is that relationships matter, especially your communications between you and your clients. With all that is going on globally, you as a sales leader or business leader must have a strategy to help serve others better.

After careful consideration, I've added my top priorities…

1) Find out what interests the other person (your clients) and what motivates them (their likes dislikes)
2) Respond quickly to their emails or calls or requests - this shows so much respect to their needs plus builds that all-important trust.
3) Be Patient or show patience, it will pay off.
4) How can you make it easier for the other person’s life? Call or email to ask what can we do to serve them better - keep in touch.
5) Congratulate the other person.
6) Trust, Mutual Respect, and be your authentic self.

Return On Relationship - How every person in the business can be of value in the relationship.

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