Identify The Biggest Bottlenecks in Marketing ~via @Tumplate

Identify The Biggest Bottlenecks in Marketing ~via @Tumplate

I recently discovered the Tumplate team, and platform, thanks to a their new CMO Katja Presnal. I met Katja when I was the CMO of e.l.f. Cosmetics in 2008, she was a huge help to me then, and she helped set the course of my future by introducing me to my long-time business partner John Andrews. /Ted

Over 93% of marketers would post more content if they could according to our survey, and keeping up with marketing content production is the biggest bottleneck in marketing. 

Content bottleneck happens when there is a demand for more content than the company can produce, and there are multiple reasons why content bottlenecks happen. 

Before you can optimize your content production workflow, you need to learn to identify the different aspects that can keep you from executing the content marketing plan of your dreams. 

We’ve divided the reasons for common pain points, and specific problems in the content production workflow. 

Content Marketing Pain Points

We wanted to understand the challenges marketing teams face in terms of not being able to publish as much content as they’d like. 

Here are the most common pain points: 

  • Lack of good content ideas

  • Lack of good content strategy

  • Not sure how to get good results

  • Can’t always produce good quality content

The most common resources missing: 

  • Lack of skilled people

  • Not enough marketing budget

  • Not good enough tools

  • Takes too much time

A good strategy is key to great marketing results, and setting specific measurable goals makes it easier to hone down the actual tactical ideas on how to accomplish the goals. 

When you have the marketing foundation done well, and your brand is well specified, it is less challenging to produce good quality content consistently. It's also always a good idea to follow the marketing trends, so you know your planned marketing tactics will work right now.

Don’t let the size of your marketing budget or team size make you think you can’t execute a great content marketing plan. There are many content marketing trends, and platforms like TikTok, that prefer content with lower production value, for example, videos shot on phone. 

We developed Tumplate to help to create high-quality branded content at scale with an easy-to-use web editor, so anyone in your team can make even animated videos fast. 

Content Production Workflow Problems

In addition, teams even with generous marketing budgets and lots of content to share, face additional bottlenecks as part of the content production workflow:

  • Content assets are scattered and not shared with everyone.

  • Too many tools and not everyone knows how to use them.

  • The approval process takes too long.

  • Content is done in silos for different channels.

If any of these workflow problems sound familiar to you, let’s talk about how Tumplate can help you.

Our tool was built to make the content production workflow much faster, and it simultaneously creates the content in different aspect ratios for different platforms. It makes it so much easier for brand managers to assure the content stays on brand, and for the marketing manager to distribute the same content for different channels. 

The importance of great workflow tools just increases as your content volume goes up. 

Need help identifying the biggest bottlenecks in your content marketing?

Book a call with our team, and we can help you to identify the biggest bottlenecks in your workflow and content marketing, and see how Tumplate could help you. 

Originally posted at

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