Good Content Is King | Marketing Junto ~via @SethGoldstein

Good Content Is King | Marketing Junto ~via @SethGoldstein

Yes indeed Seth... The Content “IS” the Ad /Ted

My Take

Way back in the early 2000s, Matt Cutts, who was the head of the web spam team at Google, always said to focus on producing quality content and the high rankings will follow. Almost no one listened. Well the smart ones did. But the problem was there other trickier ways to get things ranked that were easier than just writing good content. Often these tricky ways also produced quicker results, though the staying-power was debatable.

Flash forward to current day, 2022. Google finally releases the Helpful Content Update, where good quality content ranks well and spammy, low quality content is demoted. Why did it take so long? I really don’t know, but this is an update that everyone should pay attention to. I’m not saying that there aren’t other ranking factors, there are, but producing good quality content now proves that CONTENT IS KING.

Website owners should focus on producing content that actually helps visitors find the information they need. The bots will figure it out and rank accordingly.

What do you all think about the HCU? Scared, excited, indifferent. Hit that reply button and let me know.

On a separate note. I’ve had two friends/colleagues write their takes in Marketing Junto. Do you like the guest posts and perspectives? Let me know.

Web Finds

Podcast Of Note

The Podcasting 2.0 podcast is a bit inside baseball but it’s really entertaining. Hosted by Adam Curry, one of the original podcasters, and Dave Jones, one of the leads over at, this show is both informative and fun to listen to. The goal of the show and the Podcast Index as a whole is to democratization of the findability of podcasts and providing value to both the listeners and the creators. It’s worthy of a listen.

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Until next week, stay curious!


Originally posted at Seth Goldstein

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