How H2H communication helps brands see positive ROI through relationships ~via @GrowWithGrin & @BryanKramer...

How H2H communication helps brands see positive ROI through relationships ~via @GrowWithGrin & @BryanKramer...

Relationships are like muscle tissue, the more you engage them, the stronger and more valuable they become! #H2H and #RonR go hand-in-hand. /Ted

In this episode:

Bryan Kramer

CEO H2H Companies & PureMatter Agency. Keynote Speaker, & TEDTalk

Bryan Kramer is a renowned business strategist, global keynote speaker, executive trainer and coach, two-time bestselling author, and Forbes contributor.

Full episode details:

Marketing with simplicity, empathy and imperfection

With a passion for marketing and communication, Bryan Kramer teaches executives and entrepreneurs how to level-up their brand storytelling and create more business opportunities through his Human to Human (H2H) Growth Method. Bryan is a renowned digital strategist, global keynote speaker, two-time best-selling author, and Forbes contributor.  

His Silicon Valley-based marketing agency, PureMatter, earned a spot as one of the “fastest growing companies” by the Silicon Valley Business Journal. With a team of roughly 30 employees, the “small but mighty” company provides comprehensive marketing approaches for a number of household brands including Netflix, MasterCard, Cisco, and more. 

Translating B2B and B2C into the H2H language consumers need

“We have a tendency (as marketers) to make things complex. On the brand side, we build acronyms for things and we always start to talk in our own language … As an agency, we should build out a dictionary for every client first so we could understand their language and then de-complexify. That way, we can speak a language the customer understands, and build a campaign around it.”

Marketers are trained to speak the language of B2B and B2C to tell stories about their products and services. But this dialogue alienates the average consumer. To truly captivate their target audience, brands must adopt a more “human” language to create a genuine approach to communication that consumers better connect with.

Social media influencers and creators are the partners brands need to translate B2B and B2C into the H2H language needed to reach these consumers. By leveraging the connections influencers have with their audience, brands can share their story and build the trust required to create lasting relationships with their target audience. 

Breakdown of the GRIN Gets Real podcast: Season 2, Episode 4

“Those three things are the common bond that ties us all together at our most central core. It’s when we fall in love with each other or when we are at our most human, at our most raw, when we lean in towards each other the most.“

The H2H Growth Method thrives on simplicity, empathy, and imperfection. Brands that want to find success in the ever-changing digital landscape should consider all three in order to humanize their approach to communication and create a strategy that compels consumers to take action.  

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The value that the H2H Growth Method creates for businesses.

  • The pillars that make up the H2H movement.

  • Successful brands that implement H2H strategies.

  • How creators can help create a more “human” language.

  • The philosophy of “return on relationship”.

Quotes from This Episode

“I took all of the transcripts from everyone that I interviewed (for Shareology) and fed them into a word cloud. And the No. 1 word that came up for why humans want to be with each other is ‘connection.’”

“How do we humanize everything that we touch? Because the customer on the other end wants things simplified and to feel like everything is in their language – not in the (brand’s) language.” 

“People that were starving artists and musicians now have a way of not being starving. There is now a greater possibility that they can come out of the place where they weren’t making as much and are now being rewarded for their talent (as creators).”

“Everybody has something that they can be an influencer on … People usually are happy about at least one thing, if not more. Look at what that one thing is and what you want to shout from the rooftops. Then co-create that thing with someone else … That’s just a really neat way to coexist with a brand or two people together that can create something really special.”

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