A Metaverse Manifesto, Part 3: One Universal Identity, Please ~via @KatieRichman

A Metaverse Manifesto, Part 3: One Universal Identity, Please ~via @KatieRichman

You've had the good fortune of receiving Parts 1 and 2 from Katie, well it's time for Part 3 baby... /Ted

Disclaimer: These are MY ideas and I speak only for myself. Opinions and beliefs only, so take that as you will.

Before you dive in to Part 3 with me, go back and read:

As we’ve discussed in the previous parts, we need ONE universal metaverse (like we have ONE universal internet), which requires that products and platforms are “interoperable” (aka: they play nicely together).

The key to interoperability (kicking down silos, so products can work together) is to create system of unique, non-fungible user identity NFTs.

Your Universal ID will be minted as an NFT, resulting in a private key/public key pair, and a set of contracts associated with this new NFT. All of this will most likely be kept in some sort of identity wallet.

Once my NFT is minted, I am given the keys above, I am the sole owner of this data — just like with cryptocurrency. By creating this blockchain/system of universal identity NFTs we are enabling self-sovereign identity.

What is self-sovereign identity?

Self-sovereign identity (or SSI) is an approach to digital identity that gives individuals control over their digital identities. SSI addresses the difficulty of establishing trust in an interaction. (Wikipedia)

If you are someone very interested in user privacy, data protection, and our control (or lack of control) of our data online, then you should dive deeply into the world of SSI (and get involved! — ask me how).

Listen to the above podcast with Charlyn Ho, to dive a little deeper on SSI.

Universal Identity Blockchain & Adoption of SSI…who cares?

So we’ve spent Part 1 and Part 2 of this manifesto outlining why we need a universal identity system for humans, how NFTs and a new blockchain protocol can enable universal identity and SSI. But why does this make sense? Who cares? Let’s look at a couple visuals I cobbled together.

Web 2.0 and Fragmented User IDs

Each product I use demands that I create another “me” to be used in their system. These disconnected user identity systems prevent products from ‘talking’ to each other. And for the actual HUMAN? I think we agree that managing 100’s of IDs is crazy-making for the user.

Today, every product or platform I want to use requires a unique user identity (username, password, other associated data). Each product stores my user account info (and all associated data) on their own product servers.

In Web 2.0, we’re forced to “clone” our identity across hundreds of platforms.

So the user has to create accounts to represent themself hundreds of times, with each account and data stored in a separate walled-off server.

Web 3.0 and ONE Universal Identity NFT per person.

With the adoption of an identity-node blockchain, each user mints their unique identity NFT. Products associate this Identity NFT with my existing account (it can even be seamless and invisible on the front end).

Here’s how identity COULD work in Web 3.0 and the metaverse, with adoption of a universal identity blockchain and NFT nodes…

With product adoption, we get a simplified identity graph for the metaverse:

What will a universal identity system allow us to build and create?

The REAL METAVERSE! Once we have user ids centralized, companies can create experiences for users where my actions taken IRL can affect my digital experiences…and…my digital actions can create magical experiences or useful tools or rewards IRL. Marketers, this is where y’all get to go crazy with huge, wild ideas!

Wow. I know these past 3 posts were a LOT. When I boil it down, here are the TWO main points:

  1. What’s the metaverse? The metaverse is not a place you go in VR. It is an organic interwoven reality, where my digital actions can be rewarded IRL, and vice versa. The metaverse ties our digital and ‘real-world’ experiences more closely together — someday into ONE cohesive reality.

  2. We need universal identity. The singular universal metaverse can only happen if we come together across boundaries to create one open web blockchain and protocol expressly for human IDs. The magic happens when each human has one ‘token’ unique to themselves, forever. (yes, that’s an NFT).

The reality of ONE metaverse hinges on humans each having ONE universal identity.

This all raises good points. But…who cares? What does the metaverse + universal ID unlock?

Part 4 of this Metaverse Manifesto is all about wild and crazy ideas.

Look for A Metaverse Manifesto, Part 4: Magic & Utility on Monday, 4/11 and let’s dream up wild, magical, or useful metaverse products and NFTs and mobile apps, that weave our IRL world more closely with our metaverse world.

Things like:

  • Media: Harry Potter weaves you into the story online…and IRL.

  • Music: Top Fan NFT badges unlock IRL access at the show.

  • Travel: 3 friends together tour NYC, but experience entirely different tours, based on interests, AR, and location.

You’re on a roll! Keep reading by diving straight into Part 4: Magic & Utility, where I let myself get creative with some examples of cohesive Web3 experiences possible with NFTs.

Originally posted at Katie Richman’s Medium

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