Marketing Junto | The Power Of Twitter ~via @sethgoldstein

Marketing Junto | The Power Of Twitter ~via @sethgoldstein

I met Seth Goldstein via Twitter (I believe) over 10 years ago, probably more like 12-13 years ago. We subsequently connected via FB and LinkedIn, and have built a great relationship over the years... truth be told mostly due to his dedication to building relationships and his passion for everything marketing and social. I value his attention to everything I publish, and his input when I agree and more importantly when/if I do not. I love his take here, and thought worth sharing. /Ted

The power of Twitter lies not in who owns it but the discourse and information sharing that occurs on it. For marketers of all kinds, this is extremely valuable. To others in different industries, it really depends.

The latest antics by Elon Musk over the amount of spam on Twitter and his possible pull out makes many people wonder if there is a cash flow issue. Is he getting cold feet? Is his mouth bigger than his wallet? Was this all a sham? Who really knows. The only person who does is Musk, if he even does.

There is power in the Twitter-verse. Selling it to Musk, which is still a possibility, would scare more people away and potentially harm the value of the service (not monetarily per se, but in usefulness). More trolls and bad actors would re-appear from being banned.

I know many who have decided to jump to Mastodon for their micro-blogging needs. And other professionals have moved to focus on LinkedIn for business communication and sharing. Both these moves are good ones. But I don't think Twitter is going away anytime soon, and hopefully it will be under a non-Musk leadership.

What do you think? Hit reply and let me know.

Originally sent out in Seth Goldstein’s newsletter. Subscribe at

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