“Your network is your net worth” ~via Jeanniey Walden

“Your network is your net worth” ~via Jeanniey Walden

What can I say about Jeanniey Walden that hasn’t been said before? For me what has always stood out, and separates her from the pack of other brilliant, magnetic, and passionate people, is the way she values relationships. And not simply values, but nurtures those relationships throughout the years. 

I met Jeanniey 23 years ago when we were both immersed in email marketing, and when I first started thinking and writing about RETURN ON RELATIONSHIP in 2009, she was one of my inspirations.  /Ted

Today, while hashtag#AI may be taking over all conversation that is not overrun by TikTok trends, one fact remains constant: “Your network is your net worth”

Remember when you were younger and went somewhere with your parents where you were introduced to "weird old people?" You most likely smiled and ran away to go play. Playing was your priority back then, and most times these people didn't add value to that.

When you went to high school your priorities changed. Instead of ignoring 99% the people you didn't know, you started to question their perceived value. If they were perceived as someone who could “increase your social status” you probably invested in spending time with them.

Once you made it to working adulthood, a big shift in the perceived value of people happened. Suddenly, every introduction, no matter where, how or who, it was could become critical to your future success.

Your network is your net worth.

Think about it. When you recall any person you admire today, one of these comments will most likely cross your mind.

“Everyone loves them”
“They know everyone”
“Oh, I’ll call XXX. If they don’t know the answer they can connect me with someone who can.”

When you think about a mentor, you will most likely recall them saything things like this;

“Let me connect you to XXX for some advice on that”
“If you havent met YYY you should, they can give you insights on this”
“I know the perfect company/person to reach out to in order to solve your business challenge.”

In navigating today’s business (or personal) landscape, no one can do it all. We rely on our connections and our networks to help us in times of need, propel us forward in times of opportunity and be the leverage we need in order to make a great impression/save ourselves in times of concern.

In the world of marketing, networking (or referrals, influencers etc.) is the most trusted way of making connections with 92% of people relying on these over general advertising. (Source; Neilsen)

Here are the three lessons I have learned about building a great (adult)business network. I’d love to hear what you would add.

1- Treat every introduction a real person makes (as opposed to the many generic ones from LinkedIn) like a gift, regardless of where you meet. Many times, a backyard bbq introduction could be the most pivotal business introduction ever made.
2- Always be willing to make an introduction to those in your network who ask for one. You never know when you might need an introduction back. (and when that time comes, it is OK to ask.)
3- Remember, the world is a very small place, and karma is real. Treat vendors and suppliers with the same respect and dignity you would treat your friends and co-workers. The way you work with others speaks volumes about who you are as a person.

So get on out there and network!

Originally posted at Jeanniey Walden’s LinkedIn

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