Harsh Truths (and Some Good News) Women Can Embrace on Women’s Entrepreneurship Day ~via @getWiseconnect's CEO @iamkatkrose

Harsh Truths (and Some Good News) Women Can Embrace on Women’s Entrepreneurship Day ~via @getWiseconnect's CEO @iamkatkrose

“No one is coming to save you.” Ain’t that the truth. /Ted

1. No one is coming to save you.

My dad used to say this all the time: “No one is coming to save you -not your company, not your boss, and not the government.” they might support you but at the end of the day -- it’s up to you. The good news? You already have EVERYTHING you need to succeed! Believe it, embrace it, get up and go be amazing.

2. Not everyone is going to like you, your product, or your service.

Don't get stuck in a loop of trying to please everyone, or giving too much of yourself for too little return. You know when it doesn’t feel right, so stop doing it. In 2001—after a particularly challenging year with a client I made myself a promise: I would only work with nice people. And you know what? The good news? I DO—and you can too!

3. Sorry Sister, you can’t have it all.

No matter how hard I’ve tried over the last (ahem) 20 years+ in business, whether working for someone or on my own, I couldn’t balance everything—kids, family, job, etc.—and do them all well. Balls always get dropped. The good news? No one can have it all either, despite their lovely Instagram photos. Their lives are as messy and chaotic as yours. So don’t TRY to do it all—do one thing at a time, and do it as well as you can. 

4. “Free” is not a strategy.

Hear this loudly! People who ask me all the time why we charge for advice at getWise, why we don’t give it away? Why? Because knowledge and time have VALUE. Free is not a viable strategy, folks; paying people for their time and expertise is how the world works. You wouldn’t think about asking your mechanic to fix your car for free, right? Even a small fee lets people know your time and talents have value. The good news? The world is waking up to this! Women in particular are starting to decline pro bono opportunities more and more and we know it works -- getWise is thriving and growing every day. 

5. Learn to say NO

You can’t do everything, nor should you. Prioritize where you NEED to be rather than where you should be. The good news? Women are starting to get the message. I recently asked someone to help out with a project, and she said, “I’m sorry, but right now my plate is full.” I LOVED that! I told her that I genuinely respected that response —and when her time opened up, I invited her to be a speaker for one of our top clients. NO is not a negative. 

6. You don’t NEED a mentor.

Every single conference I attend, every panel I moderate—at every single one—I hear the same thing over and over again: to succeed in business, women (and all underrepresented groups) need mentors. Let’s face it, we have had mentorship in one form or another for that 20+ years I’ve been in professional circles and women seem to be going backward not forward. What do we need instead? Champions, ambassadors, and evangelists. We need people who will bring us IN, talk about our good works, and introduce us to investors, good candidates, customers, and more. That is how we succeed. The good news? People are willing to help! I give a popular talk called “The Power of Ask,” and in it I cite study after study that people are willing to help IF YOU ASK. I ask for every single thing we have here at wiseHer—every partnership, every speaking engagement, pretty much everything—and it works, I promise you! Now is the time, what are you waiting for?

7. You ARE in it for the money.

It’s ok to be in it for the money— money has impact, and is how we provide for ourselves, our families, and the world at large. Embrace the value you bring—and recognize what your skills are WORTH. The good news? People are willing to pay for what they value. 

Originally posted on Kathryn Rose’s LinkedIn

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